5 Ways to Make Sure Your 2024 Writing Goals Happen
2024 writing goals
5 Ways to Make Sure Your 2024 Writing Goals Happen

Happy 2024, writers!

What are your writing goals for this year?

Mine are to revise The Tithes of Spring, complete my latest (and hopefully last) edit of The Dedworth Shame, find a publisher for a project, and write the first draft of my next novel (title TBD!).

Sound like a lot? It does, I know. But I have some tricks up my sleeve. I have clear boundaries with my family and, most importantly, myself. I have, once again, invested in a writing coach to help me along the way and hold me accountable. I have broken down my tasks into achievable, daily, and weekly goals. Do you want to do the same?

Here are my tips:

1: Create boundaries. With your family, make it clear how important this is to you, create space to write in, and include them in your successes so they can be a part of the action! Create boundaries with yourself by understanding the difference between when to hold yourself accountable and when to be flexible with yourself.

2: Be accountable. Accountability can come from many places. You can find it on social media by agreeing to post your progress every week, for example. You can also join something fantastic like The Fiction Fellowship, a writing group run by Isobelle and me of @inspiredcreativeco_! Or, you can hire a writing coach for personal 1:1 time with a trained professional.

3: Take clear daily steps. While it’s fantastic to set ‘write a novel’ as a goal for the year, looking at that goal day-to-day won’t help you get there. You need to break it down and determine what you will do to reach that point. Ready to jump in? Grab your copy of The Ultimate Writer’s Planning Workbook. It will help you reverse-engineer your entire writing year and beyond!

4: Invest in your progress. Investing in your writing life could be anything from buying a workbook to hiring someone to help you go from A to B. I promise you; it’s a game-changer. It’s a signal to yourself that you take this seriously, and it can help you move forward much quicker.

5: Set achievable goals. Want to write an epic fantasy this year? You can do it – but check out point 3 again. You need to break down the task first so that you can write without feeling overwhelmed, burned out, and intimidated by the task ahead.

What would you add to the above?

If you want to talk about your writing goals and how to achieve them in 2024, my Discovery Calls will open up again next week! I can help you smash through your 2024 writing dreams so that this time next year, you’ll be well on your way to holding your book in your hands.

Want to read something similar?

Check out this post here: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Writing Routine

Picture of Rachel Grosvenor

Rachel Grosvenor

I’m a writer, writing coach, and editor.

I know how hard it is to find the time to work on your passion project, and I know you want your novel to be the best it can be.

With a PhD, MA, and BA in Creative Writing, and as a Certified Professional Coach, I’m well poised to help you with whatever issue you are experiencing.

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