Coaching Productivity

11 Ways to Get Ideas When You Don’t Feel Like Writing

Do you ever feel like you don’t have any ideas? It can be frustrating when this happens. But don’t worry – we’ve all been there! In this blog post, I will share eleven ways to get ideas when you don’t feel like writing.

1) Get reading.

Reading can help jumpstart your brain and get the creative juices flowing. If you’re bored of your usual stuff, try reading a book in a genre you don’t usually reach for. This can help open your mind to new possibilities and give you fresh ideas.

2) Free-writing.

Set a timer for five minutes and just write whatever comes to mind, without stopping to edit or judge what you’re writing. You might be surprised by what comes out!

3) Get outside!

Sometimes, the best way to get inspired is to change your scenery. As they say, a change is as good as a break.

4) Mindmap.

This can be a great way to come up with new ideas and get feedback on those ideas from someone else. If you’re feeling stuck, try meeting up with a friend or colleague and bouncing some ideas off of them.

5) Research.

If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, try doing some research. This can be anything from reading articles to watching documentaries. By learning more about your topic, you may be able to come up with new ways to approach it. Research is never a bad idea for a writer, and your work will only be improved through it.

6) Journal.

Write down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind, no matter how random they may seem. You never know when something you jotted down will turn into a great piece of writing.

7) Talk to others.

Ask friends or family about their thoughts on your genre, or see if they have any suggestions for what you could write about. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

8) Get prepped.

This may seem like an odd way to get ideas, but sometimes getting your thoughts down in a more organised way can help you see things from a different perspective.

9) Rest.

If you’ve been sitting at your desk for hours trying to come up with something to write about, it may be time to take a break. Get up and stretch, or take a quick walk around your area.

10) Keep a record.

We’re writers, sometimes we have great ideas when we’re in the middle of current projects! If that sounds like you, whenever you think of a new novel idea, add it to a list. That way, when you’re feeling uninspired, you can always refer back for some ideas.

11) Ask what your ideal reader wants.

If you’re struggling to develop a new idea, why not ask your readers what they want to read? Send out a survey or poll on social media and see what topics your audience is most interested in. Not sure who your ideal reader is? Check out this blog post!

Do you have any other techniques for getting ideas when you don’t feel like writing? Let me know here!

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How to Get Back Into Writing After a Break

Sometimes we need a holiday, and our writing breaks are planned, and at other times they creep up on us, and we realise that it’s been weeks, or maybe even months, since we last wrote. When that happens, how can we get back into writing after taking a break? Here are five ways. Oh, actually, I’m feeling kind. Have ten!

1) Be kind to yourself. 

It’s okay to take a break from your novel. Seriously – it is. You might have heard about writers who write 1000 words a day with ease and three novels a year, but all that does not matter. Being a prolific writer is how you define it. I try and write 4,000 words a week, but in the last few months, I have had a lot of editing to do as well, so I have split my time between two projects. This means that I’ve been writing more like 2,000 words a week. That’s okay. Whatever your situation, the fact that you are reading this means that you are ready to get back into writing, and that’s great. Be kind to yourself; a writer doesn’t have to write all the time to be a writer.

2) Mindmap. 

Get all of those ideas down on paper – whether they are reasonable, excellent, or you’re not so sure. Just the act of allowing yourself to think through ideas for your work in progress will create new inspiration, ideas, and inspire you to take action.

3) Writing exercises.

One of my favourites. I love to partake in writing exercises to get myself in the writing mood! I teach one of my favourite ways of coming up with novel ideas in my Novel Writing Masterclass, so if you’re a fan of exercises too and want a hand going from idea to publication, go ahead and take a peek!

4) Real-life research. 

From cooking the meals your characters enjoy to saddling up and experiencing their way of travel, there are many ways to enjoy real-life research. You could even sit down to create a map (I love Inkarnate for this). Doing things that relate to your novel but are not writing can help get those creative juices flowing.

5) Re-organise that routine. 

Writing routines change, and that’s okay! It might feel a bit dusty and stilted if you are coming back to an old routine after a break away from writing. Spend some time refreshing that writing routine and working out how you want it to be moving forward. If you want a hand with this, take this fun quiz on my website!

6) Chat to other writers. 

Get involved in the writing community. Whether you join a local writing group, a private Facebook group, or the fabulous writing community on Instagram, there are many wonderful places to find other writers. Within them, you will get accountability, warm conversation, and like-mindedness that’s hard to beat. Plus, there will be others who would like to get back into writing too, so you can share your thoughts with them.

7) Read, read, read.

Remind yourself of your writing passion by picking up those books again and digging in! The more you read, the easier it will be to write. Why? Because through reading we get more entertainment. We get an education on what it is to write, on tropes, grammar, and so much more. Most important of all, we get inspiration.

8) Write your favourite book. 

Well, no, not the exact same book. But, there’s a lot to be said for writing fan fiction if you want to get back into writing. If your creative faucet feels stuck, then slip into a world that you already know, with characters you already love.

9) Re-ignite your passion with a course. 

Writing courses are fantastic for getting us back into the writing spirit. If you are looking for a course to try, give It’s Time to Write Your Novel a go! It’s a 40 class course for only $99 and will take you from procrastination to print.

10) Create an experience. 

We don’t just have to be typing to write. You can create an experience based on your book too. From creating a collage on Pinterest to building a beautiful playlist that transports you straight into your world, there are many ways to develop an experience that will deliver you directly to your novel.

Do you have any to add? If so, I would love to hear them!

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